From Vision to Lifeline
In 2019, Justin Hai and Scott Glenn co-founded Rebalance Health, a scientifically backed and clinically studied health and wellness company, driven by a desire to understand the impact of hormones on the body. Initially focused on the peptide market and the rise of hormone replacement therapy (HRT), Justin found cortisol to be particularly intriguing in his research. Collaborating with top endocrinologists, healers, and practitioners, he sought the best ways to positively influence cortisol levels. This mission became personal in 2021 when he watched his beloved wife Jodi struggle with severe sleeplessness, extreme fatigue, and brain fog after being diagnosed with Cushing's syndrome, characterized by excess cortisol. Rebalance Health emerged not only as a lifeline for Jodi but as a global solution to the widespread issues of hormonal imbalance stemming from the stress of modern life, technology, and inadequate sleep.
Screens Sabotage Sleep
Through many published IRB clinical studies, Rebalance has successfully demonstrated how our addiction to our screens and thirst for content interferes with everything from our interpersonal relationships to the production of the hormone cortisol a.k.a. The Stress Hormone (or, as Justin calls it, the Master Hormone), sabotaging our sleep cycles and leaving us physiologically unable to produce the hormones our body needs to function for the day ahead.
A Solution for All
While much has been written about the mental health toll of technology, few companies have explored its physiological effects. Rebalance Health examined and generated a solution that took into consideration the connections between cortisol, sleep, and screen time across all age groups, including the tens of millions of women experiencing menopause, who are often overlooked and underserved in discussions about health, yet are directly affected by this chain reaction.