His Drive to Help His Wife Fight a Disease Led to the Launch of a Health and Wellness Business

By Rebalance

April 13, 2022

Inside the birth and launch of Rebalance Health.


In this ongoing series, we are sharing advice, tips and insights from real entrepreneurs who are out there doing business battle on a daily basis. (Answers have been edited and condensed for clarity.) 

Who are you and what’s your business?

My name is Justin Hai, I'm the president and CEO of Rebalance Health. Our primary focus is to modulate and rebalance cortisol levels in men and women to help support and restore balance to other hormones — naturally.

Justin Hai CEO & Founder of Rebalance Health Talk about his motivation

What inspired you to create this business? 

My wife has Cushing's, an autoimmune disease that is perpetuated by high levels of cortisol. So, it seemed obvious to me that if there was a solution that I could generate, why wouldn't I try? My  showed me the relationship between cortisol levels and circadian rhythms, and I could then see how “rebalancing” cortisol in sync with our natural rhythm produces all kinds of incredible benefits.  

What advice would you give entrepreneurs looking for funding, including where to look and how to prepare for a pitch?

When it comes to looking for funding and preparing for a pitch, you want to test your business concept and presentation skills with your friends and family. It’s a litmus test to see if people believe in you and your concept. If your friends and family don't believe in you, then an angel or professional investor won’t either. 

What does the word “entrepreneur” mean to you?

An entrepreneur is someone who thinks outside the box, challenges the , has a vision and is maniacal in pursuing it. It's not a nine to five job — it is a passion. An entrepreneur follows their passion, their heart, solves issues, and never gives up.

What is something many aspiring business owners think they need that they really don't?

Validation. It’s a slippery slope to be asking for advice or guidance because, internally, you are really looking for validation. This ultimately can lead to disappointment, doubt, and hesitation. 

Is there a particular quote or saying that you use as personal ?

“I'm telling you; it's not going to be easy, but it's gonna be worth it”. 

I think as a society, we've forgotten what it means to work hard, work smart, and stay true to your mission and vision. Executing that vision is difficult, but when done right it’s immensely rewarding. It’s not going to be perfect; it's going to be really messy. But messy is fun, messy is good — messy keeps you humble and nimble. If done right, it’s not work — it's fun. And it's not going to be easy, but it's gonna be worth it!

Rebalance health


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 Original Article: Here 

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