Top Company 2023: Startups

By Rebalance Health

October 18, 2023

Congratulation to Titan CEO, Pretred Inc. and Rebalance Health for being featured in our 2023 Top Company award in the Startup sector!

First published October 13, 2023 by ColoradoBiz Magazine | ColoradoBiz Staff
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Rebalance is a health and wellness company that focuses on natural and organic formulas to treat individuals suffering from menopause, low testosterone and anxiety. The company’s lozenges and Directline delivery technology to the body are designed for maximum absorption.
Rebalance originally was branded to manage levels of cortisol, a “stress hormone” sometimes referred to as the “flight or fight” hormone or the body’s “built-in alarm system.” Cortisol can also affect the balance of other hormones, such as testosterone, human growth hormone, estrogen and melatonin.
The company found this was difficult for the consumer to understand, as cortisol is not something the average consumer knows much about, nor is it easy to quickly explain. So the company went back to the drawing board and relaunched with a focus on low testosterone, anxiety and hot flashes.
“Rebalance works with your body to help it maximize hormone balance and reduce the impacts of stress,” the company says. “We aren’t trying to replace what’s missing. We are helping activate what wants to be working for you.”