11 Magnesium Health Benefits - What is Magnesium Good For?

By Rebalance Health

December 06, 2022

Are you always dragging yourself out of bed every day, or dealing with constant muscle cramps? These are just a few signs of a magnesium deficiency, an essential mineral your body needs. There are a multitude of magnesium benefits for health, ranging from supporting our metabolism, immune system, energy levels, sleep, and mental health.

Even though magnesium is found in various foods, many people don’t get enough in their diet. If you’re not getting enough, this can really do a number on your energy and ability to feel your best. People with low magnesium levels also tend to have increased levels of inflammation and a higher risk of chronic diseases.

There are various health benefits of magnesium, food sources, and how magnesium supplements can help you get back into a healthy groove. 

What is Magnesium Good For?

Magnesium plays a critical role in overall health, including protecting the heart, providing energy, supporting healthy blood sugar levels, and proper muscle and nerve function. 

The Top 11 Health Benefits of Magnesium:

May Boost Exercise Performance

Proper nutrition is essential to make sure you are setting up your exercise routine for success. If you’re active and want to up your game, magnesium is an essential nutrient that can boost your exercise performance. 

For example, one study in 2,570 women showed those with a higher magnesium intake had increased muscle strength and power during their workouts.

Another study involved volleyball players who took 250 mg of magnesium per day saw improvements in their jumping and arm movements. Magnesium supplements have also been seen to protect against muscle damage in those who are deficient, which can aide in workout recovery.

May Support a Healthy Mood

Magnesium benefits our mental health as well. It plays a role in supporting our mood, nerve function, and brain health. When our nerves are not communicating properly – as in the case of a magnesium deficiency – it can affect our mood and increase our risk for depression.

A magnesium deficiency is associated with as much as a 22% increased risk of mood issues according to studies. If you’re feeling down and it’s affecting your confidence, supplementing with magnesium may reduce symptoms.

Can Support Healthy Blood Sugar Levels

Magnesium is involved in over 300 enzyme reactions in the body involved in our metabolism, including the regulation of our blood sugar. Studies suggest about 48% of people with type 2 diabetes have low magnesium levels, which can further impact the body’s ability to regulate blood sugar levels properly. 

Magnesium supplements may enhance insulin sensitivity, which helps support healthy blood sugar levels more quickly and effectively. When your blood sugar is more steady, you can become you at your most powerful.

Helps Reduce Inflammation

Magnesium may also help support a normal inflammatory response, and has been associated with lower markers of inflammation in the body. Chronic inflammation is linked to an increased risk of chronic disease and stress in the body, so you don’t want to remain in that heightened state for long.

Several studies show magnesium supplements can support normal levels of C-reactive protein (CRP), a key marker of inflammation.

Can Support Healthy Blood Pressure

Magnesium also plays a role in keeping your heart strong and supporting healthy blood pressure. Studies have shown increasing magnesium intake is associated with a lower risk of heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure.

This is because supplementing with magnesium has been seen to reduce the risk factors for these conditions, such as abnormal triglycerides, cholesterol, and blood pressure levels.

May Reduce PMS Symptoms

If you suffer from aggravating PMS symptoms like water retention, cramps, fatigue, or irritability from hormonal imbalances, taking magnesium may help. Studies have shown people who take magnesium supplements during their period experience less of these symptoms.

This may be because magnesium levels tend to fluctuate during that time of the month, so keeping them at more of an even keel can help you feel more balanced.

May Support Strong Bones

Close to 60% of our magnesium stores are in our bones — maintaining adequate levels in the body keeps our bones strong. 

Low magnesium levels are linked to a greater risk of osteoporosis, which can cause your bones to become brittle and weak. The good news is that taking a magnesium supplement is associated with increased bone mineral density in the areas most susceptible to fracture.

May Promote Better Sleep

If you suffer from insomnia, that can be incredibly frustrating (not to mention downright exhausting!). Magnesium supplements are commonly used as a natural remedy to improve sleep, as magnesium helps regulate certain neurotransmitters involved in supporting a peaceful slumber.

Several studies showed taking a magnesium supplement decreased the time it took for people to fall asleep, and also resulted in increased sleep quality and duration.

May Make You Feel Less Stressed

Stress can really affect your energy and interrupt your flow. Some research suggests magnesium may also help reduce symptoms. Feelings of nervousness often surfaces as a result of a stressful situation, and magnesium may have the ability to improve your body’s response to stress.

One study showed taking a magnesium supplement for six weeks significantly reduced anxiety symptoms in those taking it.

May Reduce Migraines

Magnesium may also help reduce migraine severity. If you’ve ever had a migraine, you know they can be difficult to treat. A lot of things can trigger then to come on, but a magnesium deficiency may be one of the culprits.

One study showed that a magnesium supplement relieved acute migraine attacks more quickly than traditional medication. Eating more magnesium-rich foods regularly may also reduce symptoms.

Supports the Immune System

Your immune system is your best defense against disease and illness, so prioritizing it will help you bring your A game to every situation. Those with higher levels of magnesium in their blood tend to have a stronger immune response to foreign invaders, signifying its role in supporting immunity. 

In order to experience all of these benefits, knowing where and how to get in enough magnesium is critical.

Food Sources of Magnesium

Here are the top food sources of magnesium to add to your diet. Enjoy a variety of these foods daily to experience all of the possible magnesium benefits.

  • Almonds
  • Spinach
  • Roasted cashews
  • Peanuts
  • Soy milk
  • Black beans
  • Edamame
  • Peanut butter
  • Potato
  • Brown rice

According to the National Institute of Health, the daily recommended intake for magnesium ranges from 310 to 420 mg per day depending on age and pregnancy or lactation status.

If you don’t like a lot of these foods or struggle to get in enough of them to meet your needs, you may want to consider a magnesium supplement to provide added assurance.

Benefits of Magnesium Supplements

Not everyone can get enough magnesium in their diets, which is why and could stand to benefit from a supplement. Certain populations may be even more at risk for a magnesium deficiency and, therefore may experience the most magnesium supplement benefits: 

  • Those who are older and have a reduced appetite
  • Those taking certain medications that may reduce magnesium absorption, such as those to treat diabetes or cancer
  • Those with IBS or other digestive disorders that impair absorption of food
  • Those with kidney disease
  • Those who abuse alcohol

Magnesium supplements can ensure you’re getting the amount needed consistently to support optimal health. To ensure you are reaping all the benefits from a magnesium supplement, it’s important to look for the right form of supplement.

Choosing the Right Form of Magnesium Supplement

There are many different types of magnesium supplements such as magnesium citrate, magnesium oxide, and magnesium glycinate. These forms vary in terms of how well they’re absorbed and their potential for side effects. 

Magnesium glycinate is one of the most well-absorbed forms with the least risk for side effects like indigestion or diarrhea that occur from some other forms of magnesium. This is why we include magnesium glycinate in our Women's and Men's System, allowing you to absorb all of those wonderful benefits in a way that is gentle on your stomach.

Rebalance's products also provide a proprietary Directline delivery method, another factor that enables you to soak up the nutrients three to five times more effectively than other nutraceuticals. This method is unique to Rebalance, and means you won’t lose 90-95% of the ingredients through your urine, as is common with standard supplements.

Bottom Line - Is Magnesium Good for You?

There are numerous magnesium health benefits for both men and women, including for your heart, brain, energy, immune system, and mental health. If you’re not getting enough magnesium-rich foods or experiencing any signs of low magnesium, check your levels. Ask your doctor about your results and determine a plan to keep them in a healthy range. 

A combination of food sources and a magnesium supplement can provide an immune system boost, grant you more restful sleep, and build your mojo back both in and out of the bedroom.